Status Update on OCCI
February 24th, 2010 • Comments Off on Status Update on OCCIOne year ago Ignacio Llorente and me started asking around and organizing a BoF session for OGF25 in Catania, Italy. We finally started working on one of the first Cloud Standards in March. All this was driven by the project RESERVOIR, Now it has become definitely a little bit bigger 🙂
Here are some facts and some interesting information about OCCI to show you the current status
- We have been renamed from CAPI (Cloud API) to OCCI
- Next to me Andy Edmonds, Sam Johnston and Alexis Richardson are chairing this group and have all done a great job
- Our initial focus was IaaS but we might move to PaaS in future
- We had 100 people attending our first session at OGF25; Until now around 230 people are on the mailing list
- We have a first document published: the use case and requirement document
- We are discussing, fighting, etc openly on the mailing list and sometimes even twitter
- Our current specification is in public comment: The document series can be found here
- We are collaborating with many SDOs like DMTF and SNIA
- We are working on a joint demo to demonstrate the features of OCCI with CDMI integrated
- We have two implementations ready and are talking too many people who are willing to implement OCCI as well
- We like you invite you to help out – good things might happen in future
I told all this and many more things at the CloudScapeII meeting in Brussels yesterday. Here are my slides:
OCCI status update
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