No Huddle Offense

"Individual commitment to a group effort-that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work."

News from the Cloud

April 27th, 2009 • Comments Off on News from the Cloud

VmWare releases the first Cloud Computing Operating System:

The Eucalyptus project seems to have gone commercial:

What we learn from all this: Cloud Computing is stil a hype and everybody uses his own definition of a Cloud. Kind of funny, but currently a very intersting field to work in!

OCCI needs your help (well kind of)

April 17th, 2009 • Comments Off on OCCI needs your help (well kind of)

The OCCI working group is currently heavily discussing stuff on the mailing-list. We are trying to create an API for ‘Infrastructure as a Service’ based Clouds. So please come join and help out. Many others already have and some interesting work is going on!

Open Cloud Computing Interface (OGF Standard)

April 15th, 2009 • Comments Off on Open Cloud Computing Interface (OGF Standard)

Finally after some time now the Open Cloud Computing Interface working group became official. We will focus on the creation of an API for remote management of ‘Infrastructure as a Service’ based clouds. 

The latest charter can be found here: That is also the link to our working space in the internet. The official webpage is:

So feel free to join, hop on the project and get involved in the creation of one of the first standards in Cloud Computing.

Open Grid Forum – Cloud Interface API BoF session (update)

March 9th, 2009 • Comments Off on Open Grid Forum – Cloud Interface API BoF session (update)

Me, myself and I at the stage answering questions at OGF 25 (Cloud interface API BoF session):


Open Grid Forum – Day 4

March 5th, 2009 • Comments Off on Open Grid Forum – Day 4

Today was another interesting day @OGF 25. One session hosted by Wolfgang Gentzsch and Martin Antony Walker dealt with the topic: From Grids to Clouds. Interesting ideas and thoughts what the similarities are. Also some nice ideas about which applications would favor HPC, Grid or Cloud based solutions.

My talk in this session was about the RESERVOIR project:

Here are some more pictures from OGF. Not the best weather today but still a nice meeting area:



