No Huddle Offense

"Individual commitment to a group effort-that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work."

OpenNebula becomes part of Ubuntu Server

February 18th, 2009 • Comments Off on OpenNebula becomes part of Ubuntu Server

OpenNebula is now part of the Ubuntu Server distribution. Great news, hope to see other products there also in near future. On the development blog of the team is a nice entry about using open nebula on Ubuntu:  The title might be a little bit misleading though…

 Also Borja, a former collegaue of mine, got a new version of Haizea announced:

Doing it the cloud computing way

November 26th, 2008 • Comments Off on Doing it the cloud computing way

Sun has many cloud computing initiatives e.g. Playing only a underpart is the work done in the RESERVOIR project. RESERVOIR stands for Resources and Services Virtualization without Barriers and is part of the Framework 7 program of the European Union.

Sun is part of this RESERVOIR project and provides great technologies to the project. Besides working on standards for upcoming Cloud Computing frameworks Sun will

The first part is pretty straight forward, while the second part involves more software development. The goal is it to provide a application container which allows the deployment of different kind of Java applications. Those services should then be managed  e.g. based upon predefined SLA definitions. Service can then be started, migrated, suspended, consolidate/distributed (if more instance are running) and stopped.

Sun is therefor developing the Virtual Java Service Container with the project name Floccus 🙂 More details are coming up.

Amazon gives access to public datasets :-)

November 25th, 2008 • Comments Off on Amazon gives access to public datasets :-)

Cloud Computing

October 6th, 2008 • Comments Off on Cloud Computing


Use Cloud Computing Services :  🙂