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"Individual commitment to a group effort-that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work."

Open Grid Forum – day 2 / part 1

March 3rd, 2009 • Comments Off on Open Grid Forum – day 2 / part 1

Second day of the Open Grid Forum Meeting just started. Currently there are presentations about ‘Grid Application Experiences’. After the break at 11am it is time for the Cloud Interface API  BoF session. So more information is going to follow. For now some photos from yesterday evening and this morning.




Open Grid Forum – Day 1

March 2nd, 2009 • Comments Off on Open Grid Forum – Day 1

Today the Open Grid Forum opened it’s gates here in Catania, Italy. For now nothing real spectacular has been going on. Some presentations about great software solutions like Gridway or Opennebula. The Keynotes and opening talks have yet to start after lunch.

The location is quite great (Attached some pictures). seems to be an old industrial area which they reused as a conference and cultural center. A cinema is also integrate. Quite nice…





What is Cloud Computing?

March 2nd, 2009 • Comments Off on What is Cloud Computing?

From now on I do not state this question anymore. It will ask instead: What is not a Cloud? Any sometimes you can get the feeling the answer is nothing 🙂

Backup your data

February 27th, 2009 • Comments Off on Backup your data

I strive not to say that this is cloud computing: but backing up your data online is a very nice idea. Sadly enough HP’s will close it’s doors soon. Now it’s time to look at the other players. I still now of and Both offering free online backup up to 2GB and unlimited for a little few.

 Still the question is: is this cloud computing? I say no! This is an online service. Do not sell everything in this hype 🙂

OpenNebula becomes part of Ubuntu Server

February 18th, 2009 • Comments Off on OpenNebula becomes part of Ubuntu Server

OpenNebula is now part of the Ubuntu Server distribution. Great news, hope to see other products there also in near future. On the development blog of the team is a nice entry about using open nebula on Ubuntu:  The title might be a little bit misleading though…

 Also Borja, a former collegaue of mine, got a new version of Haizea announced: