No Huddle Offense

"Individual commitment to a group effort-that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work."

The Web on OSGi

June 10th, 2009 • Comments Off on The Web on OSGi

The Web on OSGi is an interesting slide set from JavaONE. Presented by Don Brown from Atlassian I agree with several issues he address. For example the ‘know your wires’ on slide 42 (See also: and

Peter Kiens somehow replied to this slide set in this blog entry:

Don Brown replied with: In that post he says:

OSGi has let us write big features in a portable, modular way across products, and has dramatically sped up the development process via its hot deployment capability.

Grids, Clouds & HPC – Open Grid Forum wrapup

May 28th, 2009 • Comments Off on Grids, Clouds & HPC – Open Grid Forum wrapup

This is probably the last blog entry which comes live from OGF26. OGF 26 has been great with interesting talks and group meetings. As said OGF wants to take a leadership role in manging the collaborations about Cloud standards.

The security talks have been interesting as well as sessions about Green IT, SAGA (A Simple API for Grid Applications) and JSDL (Job Submission Description Language). next to that there was a lot of talk about Cloud computing. And thanks to OCCI OGF has a great chance to get some great stuff going on. So stay tuned 🙂

Here are some last impressions from OGF:


The Friday Center…


Lunch break


Prior to the OCCI group meeting


Some paper work 🙂

First day at the Open Grid Forum

May 27th, 2009 • Comments Off on First day at the Open Grid Forum

We are already in the second day of the OGF meeting. Nevertheless the first day has been interesting and full of information. This time not so many attendees are here in Chapel Hill. Which makes this meeting more a working meeting than a collaboration meeting like last OGF.

Still I got some great feedback about the work done in OCCI. And it somehow comes to my mind that it can be indeed a big thing to happen. I’ll be giving a presentation and introduction of OCCI tomorrow in our working group meeting. Other presenters will also show their works and thoughts on Clouds – so stay tuned! The slides will be available.

A great session yesterday was hosted by Craig Lee, himself President of OGF, about the strategic position of OGF. He talked a lot about OGF relation towards Clouds and that OGF has a great standpoint with OCCI. But there is a need for collaboration with other Standard efforts like those from SNIA and DMTF. Therefor OGF will trigger this and work on collaboration. Next to that a OGF representative will be available at the main Cloud summits and conference to present this view.

Next to that here are some impressions from OGF. Watch closely to the Jelly Beans I got here during coffee break 🙂


Craig Lee present some slides at the opening session.


Nice slides about Clouds and Grids.


Great diet!

Open Cloud Computing Interface at the Open Grid Forum

May 26th, 2009 • Comments Off on Open Cloud Computing Interface at the Open Grid Forum

Today is the first day of the Open Grid Forum meeting here in Chapel Hill, NC. And during the the opening session the President of the Open Grid Forum (OGF) Craig Lee and the VP of Standards Chris Smith both stated the OCCI working group meeting as a high-light.

Currently it looks like the OCCI will be the first group to have a implementational ready API! And with this background and the collaborations to other groups like DMTF, SNIA and other standardization bodies it looks like OCCI is becoming a great thing! And for me fun to work on 🙂

OCCI has currently a great momentum! And with over 130 subscribed persons on the mailing-list there is a lively and active discussion. Contributions come from individuals, large companies and end-users of the Cloud. Even some of the persons on the list have their own Wikipedia page.

If you want to join feel free to visit:

Open Cloud Computing Interface at Open Grid Forum

May 22nd, 2009 • Comments Off on Open Cloud Computing Interface at Open Grid Forum

The Open Grid Forum meets next week in Chapel Hill, NC. And currently two session are scheduled for the Open Cloud Computing Interface working group OCCI (

Thursday, May 28 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm OCCI – Group session

Thursday, May 28 3:30pm – 5:00 pm OCCI – API discussion

There will be dial-in lines if possible.

So please join and collaborate on the OCCI efforts. If everything works out fine we will be presenting a first draft API in these sessions. One of the first Standards in Clouds without a vendor-locking!