No Huddle Offense

"Individual commitment to a group effort-that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work."

Hudson and Python

September 23rd, 2010 • 3 Comments

Regarding Continuous Integration (CI) systems I probably still like Hudson! Great tool and runs perfectly well. Just get the latest jar file and run it with java – jar hudson.jar. Now to get started you will need to install some plugins:

You can install those plugins in he management interface of hudson. When configuring the job in hudson you simple add a new “Build a free-style software project” job. Add SCM information – and than add some build steps. I had to use two:

python clean --all
python build
coverage erase
nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=<your packages> --with-xunit
coverage xml

And a second one:

pylint -f parseable <your packages> > pylint.txt
echo "pylint complete"

Both are external scripts. Now in the post-build section activate the JUnit test reporting and tell it to use the **/nosetests.xml file. Also activate the Cobertura Coverage report and tell it to use **/coverage.xml. Finally activate the Report Violations – and add pylint.txt in the right row.

Configure the rest of the stuff just as you like and hit the Build button. Thanks to XML the reporting tools written for java can parser the output generated for your Python project. Now you have nice reports from a Python project in Hudson!

A more detailed and great article about this topic can be found here.

Call graphs for python

September 9th, 2010 • 1 Comment

I’m a big fan of reporting be it reports form automated builds, coverages, API documents etc. To evaluate the python code I’m currently working on I needed Call Graph for Python. After some searching and testing I found this package to be most convenient:

P.S. If you are running Ubuntu (or similar) a sudo apt-get install python-pycallgraph will install the package. To create the graph simple call: pycallgraph –include=<whatever you need> <your>

A future for the world?

September 6th, 2010 • 1 Comment

Welt mit Zukunft Cover

Franz Josef Radermacher’s book about the current world situation with financial crises, natural disasters and exceeding resources not only describes the current and upcoming problems but also provides solutions towards what he calls an “eco-social market economy”. Beside the fact that the book is well written and quite short compared to the message it delivers, a good overview of what goes wrong and a possible way of solving it is presented. Only critical point would be that it doesn’t describe how we can get there. Still and definitely a book which you should read.

It describes that current established system can not solve the issue – needed is system which controls the free markets and ensure the social liability of our communities. Taxes on resources or a Supervisory Associations for financial markets which approve products before they can be sold are just one step in the right direction.

Tinkering with Illumos

September 1st, 2010 • Comments Off on Tinkering with Illumos

Honestly I do not really get the point why everybody is so upset about what happened to OpenSolaris. I can understand the steps Oracle took – and do not forget: The source is still under a CDDL license. A bit sad that the community doesn’t get real-time updates anymore.

On the other side I think that the initial idea of the Illumos project to replace the last closed source bits in ON is a good one. But I’m also looking forward to the Solaris 11 Express edition – I know some Solaris developers over at Sun/Oracle and those guys do a great job!

Here is a nice screen shot of Illumos booting BTW:

Deploying your (RESTful) python app in a PKI secured environment

August 1st, 2010 • 4 Comments

Now assume you have written an RESTful python application which you want to deploy in a secure manner. Many environments use a PKI security setup using X509 certificates. The good news is that you can do this. Install apache and the mod_wsgi module. On an Ubuntu Server a apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi apache2 will do.

Now simply add a site to your apache2 configuration – Normally located in /etc/apache2/sites-available:

WSGIPythonPath <python path>
    Listen 81
    NameVirtualHost *:81
    <VirtualHost *:81>
        ServerAdmin root@localhost
        ServerName localhost
        SSLEngine on
        SSLCertificateFile <path to cert>/newcert.pem
        SSLCertificateKeyFile<path to cert>/newkey.pem
        SSLCACertificateFile <path to cert>/cacert.pem
        SSLVerifyClient require
        SSLVerifyDepth 2
        SSLOptions +StdEnvVars
        WSGIScriptAlias / /<path to your service>/
        ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/service.error.log
        CustomLog /var/log/apache2/service.log common

That’s it! The python app is now available on localhost:81 – Apache will ensure that the client certificate is authenticated against the CA! The statement SSLOptions +StdEnvVars ensures that the according headers are forwared to your python application so you also verify the user by his DN defined in the certificate.