Learn Service Behaviour
July 16th, 2013 • Comments Off on Learn Service BehaviourThis started off as just an idea in my head a while ago and soon become my Master thesis. The idea is to apply Machine Learning/Data Analysis methodologies to Data derived from tools such as DTrace. Based on the learned knowledge it would then be possible to create adaptive/agile systems. For example to balance out your workload as a service provider overnight. Or move your compute close to your data. Or to learn how to best configure your system (by using Software Defined Networking). Or to simple tune your threshold values in your monitoring system etc. Or you name it – it might be doable.
After finally finishing my Master thesis – doing that next to work is quite a challenge I can tell now 🙂 – I can certainly say that some stuff can indeed be learned. During the work on my thesis I sketched out a, in browser programmable (Python of course :-)), Analytics as a Service (I just like the acronym for it :-)) which can be used learn from Data derived from DTrace (See 1).
As a first step it is useful to select the resources you want to look at. The should have a relevance to the behavior of the applications and services. The USE Method demoed by Brendan Gregg might be a good start. Once you know what you want to look for it is possible to gather some data. For example using the DTrace consumer for Python (See 2), like I did. Cool think is now that thanks to Python you can send it around (pika), store it (MongoDB, sqlite) and process it (scikit-learn) easily. Just add a few API for abstraction, a rich web application for creating python notebooks and you have the Analytics as a Service.
Now we can work through the data with some simple steps.
- Step 1 – Analyze the time series you got with some first methods. This could reach from calculating means, averages, etc over smoothing or regression analyses to looking into correlations in the data. Now you will have a good knowledge of which time series are interesting for further analysis.
- Step 2 – Cluster the applications/services based on the data points to get an first overview of how they fit together. Again simple k-means clustering can be an initial step. Remember sometimes the simplest methods are the best 🙂
- Step 3 – Based on what has been learned till now try to apply mechanism to analyze the covariance/correlation between the applications/services. Once done you get a nice graph which represents behavior of your overall environment.
- Step 4 – Go beyond the simple and try to build Bayesian networks on what you got now. Go look at decision trees if possible to try build that adaptive/agile system.
- Step 5 – Well as usual the sky might actually be the limit.
Results of each of the steps can be seen as models which can be compared with new incoming data from DTrace. Based on the ‘intelligence’ of the comparison of the new date with the learn model (knowledge) the adaptive/agile system can be build. Continuously updating your learned model in the learning process is key – we don’t want to ‘predict’ the future using a crystal ball. This is just the tip of the iceberg of all stuff worked on and discovered in my Master thesis – but as usual – so little time so much to do 🙂 But maybe I’ll find some time soon to sketch out the learning process and share some details of what I was able to let the computer learn…