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Build Python with custom TCL/TK libs

April 26th, 2011 • Comments Off on Build Python with custom TCL/TK libs

Issue with my Solaris installation is that it has slightly older TCK/TK libs. Since I’m currently playing around with some Tkinter stuff and python I needed a newer version to test the TreeView and Notebook widgets for example.

Here is how yo can get Python 2.7.1 up and running against TCL/TK libs which are not system wide installed:

# Switch to TCL directory
cd unix/
./configure --prefix=<some_path>
make install
# Switch to TK directory
cd unix/
./configure --prefix=<some_path> --with-tcl=<some_path>
make install
# Switch to Python source directory
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<some_path>
./configure --prefix=<some_path>
make install

Please note the following:

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