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Grids, Clouds & HPC – Open Grid Forum wrapup

May 28th, 2009 • Comments Off on Grids, Clouds & HPC – Open Grid Forum wrapup

This is probably the last blog entry which comes live from OGF26. OGF 26 has been great with interesting talks and group meetings. As said OGF wants to take a leadership role in manging the collaborations about Cloud standards.

The security talks have been interesting as well as sessions about Green IT, SAGA (A Simple API for Grid Applications) and JSDL (Job Submission Description Language). next to that there was a lot of talk about Cloud computing. And thanks to OCCI OGF has a great chance to get some great stuff going on. So stay tuned 🙂

Here are some last impressions from OGF:


The Friday Center…


Lunch break


Prior to the OCCI group meeting


Some paper work 🙂

0 responses to “Grids, Clouds & HPC – Open Grid Forum wrapup”

  1. Sesli Chat says:

    Thank you for the post