February 26th, 2009 • 2 CommentsI have always been a fan of improving software development processes. The last couple of days I had a deeper look into Scrum. I worked with Agile development methods for some time now, and I like to point you to this scrum link from Softhouse: Very rough, but gives a nice overview.
Here is a slideshare version:
Learn Scrum Engineering in 5 minutes
View more presentations from guest035e0d. (tags: scrum engineering)
That’s what I DON’T like about SlideShare. All the rip off and re-posting of other people’s content without giving credit. Anyway, here’s the original source, which is NOT a slide presentation:
Hihi…Thanks for the orginal source – added it to the article! I totally agree with you, although I must admit otherwise I would not have found this nice overview 🙂