No Huddle Offense

"Individual commitment to a group effort-that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work."


September 19th, 2008 • Comments Off on Ubiquity

Here is another GTD tool. It will greatly improve they way you work. I only Tab Options+Space on my Mac I can instantly do thinks. For example search on google maps, write emails, looking in wikipedia, searching withour opening new tabs typing addresses and stuff. Great tool – it is alpha but worth a try!

Ubiquity for Firefox from Aza Raskin on Vimeo.


September 16th, 2008 • Comments Off on ZFS

It is already some days ago that I joined Sun Microsystems and now I finally gave ZFS a shot.  You probably all know about the nice features ZFS has – so no more summary here. Feel free to browse to the website of ZFS to look for that. 

 More impressiv to me was the video I found on google video from the systemhelden guys. I must admit that it is somehow funny, there is still some nice info in it.

There is also a English version around somewhere. I like the idea and doing it as a demo is nice but a real practical solution might look different. USB sticks are not your first choice when you think about data security. The memory chips are not really high quality stuff and fail after so-and-so-much read and write operations. But anyhow nice idea – and I like the blinking of the USB sticks 🙂

Training Camps

July 20th, 2008 • Comments Off on Training Camps

Gestern gings es also endlich los. Die erste Mannschaft der NFL hat mit seinem Trainings Camp angefangen. Die Washington Redskins legten also los. Lustig was der Tight End Chris Cooley dazu auf sein blog schreibt:

NFL security says the same stuff every year. Drinking and driving is stupid, don’t let crazy people into your home, and for God sakes don’t let anyone talk you into throwing a football game.

Oder noch besser:

We have a bed check every night at 11:00 P.M. Coaches will be roaming the halls and checking everyone’s room. Yes, we are all fifteen years old so I guess that is important. I mean, I’ll check into the locker room around 6:00 A.M. so it’s gonna be pretty hard to go out at night. Bed check?

Das Essen ist natürlich auch der Hit bei so einem Trainingslager:

I decided that I love “Franks Hot Sauce,” I covered my entire meal in it, even carrots.

Der gesamte Artikel findet ihr hier:


July 20th, 2008 • Comments Off on Yeehaa

Ein paar Zitate von Vince Lombardi:


Umzug und co

July 20th, 2008 • Comments Off on Umzug und co

Na nicht mehr lange und ich werde Köln verlassen. Irgendwie komisch 🙂 Liebe die Stadt und habe megaviel erlebt hier. Gerade der Globetrotter shop in Köln werde ich vermisse. Neben den Dom, den Menschen, die vielen Ausgehmöglichkeiten, den Rhein…

Globetrotter store Köln

Nun geht es auf nach Regensburg! Zu meinem neuen Arbeitgeber! Und ich muss zumindest sagen, ich freue mich tierisch!

Regensburg Donau Ufer